之前阿 KEN 大大有為我們翻譯了一篇 ESPN 的有趣文章 獨門,10個NBA球星的招牌技巧 ,這是一位專欄作家挑選出他自己最喜歡的現役球員招牌動作。而近日,Bleacher Report 也推出一篇相關文章 8 Most Common Illegal Moves of Today's NBA Superstars ,不過屬於比較偏門一些,叫做八大超巨星的違例犯規技巧。
8.Kevin Garnett: Illegal Screens KG 老爺的檔拆
Kevin Garnett loves to set screens, even outside the pick-and-roll.
The problem is, though, they're not always legal.
The whole point of a screen is to remain stationary to create space for your teammate. Garnett not only has a tendency to keep his feet moving, but his arms mobile as well, as if he is body-checking his opponent.Sometimes, he gets away with it because 1) he's Kevin freaking Garnett and 2) his infractions aren't always as noticeable as they are here. His illegal screens can be very discreet and easy to overlook; his movement isn't always abrupt.
But whether the referees call it is irrelevant. Because no matter how many times he gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he's not about to stop.
有道是「檔拆打得好,禁區威到老。」,從當年還是高中跳級生的小夥子,KG 已經是個接近不惑之年的老將啦,而檔拆這個小把戲他操做得也是越加爐火純青,文中指出,他在幫忙隊友做掩護之時,常常是會動手動腳的,不過仗著他 KG 大大的威名,有時後裁判不會吹他犯規,而且他的犯規動作也隱藏的很好,不愧是個老江湖阿!
7.Blake Griffin: Forearm 給力芬的一臂之力
Blake Griffin can dunk, that much we know. But he can also dish out plenty of mid-air forearms as well.
I'm all for creating space and everything, but face-palming another player to help propel yourself toward the rim is taking it a bit far.Sometimes, such contact appears to be initiated by the defender, as if Griffin's arm is just there and—Pau Gasol in this case—is barreling into it.And while that may hold true on occasion, more often than not, Griffin knows what he's doing.
Perhaps it's involuntary; maybe such a move is just his instincts kicking in.Whatever it is, it doesn't matter, because whether or not he gets whistled for his forearming tactics, it's still illegal.
給力芬很會灌籃這件事情我們是曉得的,但有時候沒灌籃的那隻手會偷偷助他一臂之力,偷偷幫他跳得更好。這個動作當然能幫他清出更多空間,好讓他一次又一次登上十大好球的榜首,但無疑地,這是一個犯規動作,不信我們來聽聽 Gasol 怎麼說?
6.Dwyane Wade: Leg Kick 閃電俠的作用力與反作用力
Speaking of creating space, no player in the league is better at getting a shot off than Dwyane Wade.
The versatile shooting guard is simply amazing when it comes to adjusting or just ensuring the release of his shot attempt. Maybe too amazing.Though one would be hard-pressed to argue that all Wade does his commit offensive fouls that don't get called, he does have a tendency to use his leg to separate himself from his defender.
It's a clever move really, because he can cover it up with a fadeaway. In fact, most of the time, the contact his leg kick provokes results in free throws for Mr. Wade himself, as it appears the defender is attempting to wrap him up.But thanks to many replays, we know the truth. Because as good as Wade is at creating space on the fly, no one's that good. Not without a bending the rules anyway.
閃電俠的切入是一絕,製造投籃空間以獲得更棒投籃機會也是他的絕活。不過原文指出,Wade 常利用他的前蹬腿去製造犯規,不過先出腳的這個動作已經先構成犯規的條件囉。
5.Kobe Bryant: Lean-in Kobe 的招牌跳投
Here's my problem with some of Kobe Bryant's lean-in jumpers: He comes off the ground with his planted foot first.Many of Bryant's lean-ins are legitimate, but if you watch closely here, his back foot—his supposedly stationary foot—comes off the ground before his free one, which he has already maneuvered with.
At the very least, that can be called as a travel.
The good news?
This one comes down to timing, so it's highly unlikely Bryant does it consciously.
在 2K 電玩系列有個經典改革,就是把 Kobe 的 pivot shot 置入遊戲當中,黑曼巴很喜歡以假動作晃起防守者,然後從對手的腋下穿出,做出不可思議的投籃動作,但是透過慢動作播放,他的雙腳已經有走步的嫌疑了,好了講到這邊就好,勿戰勿戰!
4.Dirk Nowitzki: Knee Jerk 德佬的彈簧膝
So, we've got Dwyane Wade's leg kick, and then we have Dirk Nowitzki's knee jerk.
At first glance, the two appear strikingly similar. However, where Wade extends his leg as if he's stretching out his hamstring, Nowitzki opts to throw his knee up, like he's attempting half a cannonball dive.Simply put, they're different moves—or rather, violations—with the same result. Nowitzki's knee jerk assists him in creating space between him and his defender, providing him with the best look at the basket possible.And in this case, it's no accident. Nowitzki has been knee-jerking his way toward game-winners for years. I know it, you know it and Kobe Bryant knows it.
Dirk 這個動作乍看之下與 Wade 的蹬腿動作很相似,但作用其實相反,閃電俠是為了製造犯規,而德老卻是想利用膝蓋製造投籃空檔,他用這招完成不少絕殺,包含 Kobe 老大都深受其害。
3.Rajon Rondo: Three to Four Step Travel 軟豆小弟的偷吃步
Some players tend to change their (spoiler alert) pivot foot, but not Rajon Rondo. At least, not often.
If Rondo is going to travel, he's going to do it right—or wrong depending on how you look at it.The point guard is apparently so swift in everything he does that he doesn't even realize he's taking too many steps. But while the referees have called him on it before, he's gotten away with blatant travels more than any player ever should.
And given how calculated and instinctive a player we know Rondo is, these aren't the type of repeated mistakes we'd expect to see.I'd simply go as far as saying that a third—and sometimes fourth—step is more of a tactic than an accident.
2.Carmelo Anthony: Elbow 甜瓜男孩的KO霸王肘
Are you beginning to notice how many illegal maneuvers are used to simply create space? Because I am.
Plenty of the NBA's stars are no stranger to holding the ball above their heads as they plot their next method of attack, but few players exaggerate the elbow's movement as much as Carmelo Anthony.
Rajon Rondo is one of the more unlucky victims, but believe me, there have been more.When Anthony holds the rock above his head, he sways his elbows from side to side, undoubtedly hoping defenders will back off, providing him with a little extra room get off a shot or attack the rim.
Why's that illegal exactly?Because in plenty of cases, relentless defenders won't give 'Melo an inch, leaving them open to catching an elbow to the face like Rondo did here.
在小時候看公牛與爵士大戰的時候,就深深覺得 Malone 的霸王肘可以列入 NBA 十大凶器之一,多年過後,使用這個招式的球員不少,但文中的 Melo 應該是最有機會接班的傳人。雖然這看起來很有氣勢,能夠安全捍衛球權,但一個不小心,被吹犯規不打緊,要是製造了傷兵,看來就得掛上好一陣子的臭名了。
1.LeBron James: Multiple Pivots 詹皇帝的壞習慣
LeBron James can do no wrong, even when he actually does.
Almost every NBA player has a tendency to take that extra step from time to time, but James has scored countless points and dished out plenty of dimes after changing his pivot foot.
Could it be an accident? Perhaps, after all, keeping track of which foot has remained stationary is quite difficult courtesy of the fast-paced nature of the game. But James does it often; he's a repeat offender.
So, while it could prove to be an accidental slight of foot, James is no stranger to traveling without hearing whistles blow.
Just ask the Celtics.
最後一個重頭戲來啦,沒錯,今年的小皇帝就是要處處稱王,在這個排行榜也不例外。其實我們都見識過他的八步上籃了,不過他有另外一個小動作也被拿出來討論,在他展開坦克車的體型向禁區突擊之前,他的軸心腳常「意外地」做了轉移(文章開頭也是滿幽默的,Multiple Pivots,阿一個人不也才兩支腳嘛XD),這個動作如果越加頻繁,又沒獲得哨音制止,LBJ 就越來越無敵囉!
另外補上 PTT 版友補充的經典七步上籃
Bosh 三弟的無接觸進攻犯規