一場比賽狂幹個 30、50 分,應該是身為一個球員的夢想吧!在記憶中,Chamberlain、Jordan、Kobe 或是 Iverson 都曾創下這樣的紀錄,然而,在單場攻下超過 50 分的英雄榜上,有哪些令人意外的球員呢?在休兵期間, NBA 官網提出了 Fave Five 系列專文,這一篇則是列出了五位最令人意外的 50 分砍將。
5. Charles Smith, 52 points
Clippers vs. Nuggets, Dec. 1, 1990
Career scoring average: 14.4 ppg
Charles Smith is probably best known for the basket he didn’t score, but he started out his NBA career as a fairly prolific shot-maker, averaging more than 20 ppg twice in his first three seasons. He settled into more of a contributor role after that, but not before he dropped 52 on the Denver Nuggets near the beginning of the 1990-91 season. Smith was 17-27 from the field and 18-21 from the line, and did not attempt a single 3-pointer (no surprise, he only made 18 in his entire career).
Charles Smith最令人印象深刻的應該是1993季後賽被連續巴鍋的那個PLAY,但別忘了,他生涯的前三個球季,還有兩次平均得分超過20分的紀錄。雖然之後漸漸成為腳色球員,但他在 1990 年對上金塊一戰中,27 投 17 中的命中率,外加 21 罰 18 中,總計砍下 52 分。而該場比賽則是並未在三分線外出手(他整個生涯也只投進18顆三分球而已)。
Fun fact: Smith probably could have been left off this list, but I have him on here due to his feat coming against the infamous ’90-’91 Nuggets. Denver was coached that season by Paul Westhead, who tried to bring the fast-break basketball he succeeded with at Loyola Marymount to the NBA with disastrous results. The Nuggets went 20-62 and gave up 130.8 ppg, the most ever allowed by a team in a single season.
有趣統計:原本 Smith 並不在此名單之中,不過後來還是把他加上了,正因為他在該場比賽的對手是惡名昭彰的金塊隊。90-91 球季的金塊教頭為 Paul Westhead,他試圖將在 Loyola Marymount 大學時期執教成功的快速進攻導入 NBA,結果卻得到悲劇的下場,該季戰績 20 勝 62 敗,平均失分 130.8,真是可怕到爆炸。
4. Dana Barros, 50 points
Sixers vs. Rockets, Mar. 14, 1995
Career scoring average: 10.5 ppg
The Sixers were mired in the midst of a miserable 24-58 season when they met up with the Rockets in Philadelphia on a cold night in March. Barros was pretty much the only bright spot that season for Philly, making his lone All-Star Game appearance and averaging a career-best 20.6 ppg — stereotypically big stats on a bad team. Barros, whose second-best season saw him score 13.3 ppg, had the kind of night every player dreams about, hitting 6 of 8 from 3-point range and 21 of 26 overall. That is bananas. And he recorded his 50-point game the hard way, getting to the line for only a pair of free throws, making both.
94-95,七六人的一個愁雲慘霧的球季,Barros 可以說是這一季七六人唯一的亮點,這個球季,也是 Barros 生涯唯一一次入選明星賽的球季。在三月的那場對上火箭的比賽中,他三分球投 8 中 6,整場比賽投 26 中 21,不過整場比賽只上了罰球線兩次,而他全數命中,總計得到 50 分的分數。
Fun fact(?): Despite Barros’ brilliance, the Sixers got flat-out destroyed by the Rockets in the game, falling 136-107. Without crosschecking it, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that’s the worst beating a team took in a game where one of its players hung 50.
有趣統計:雖然 Barros 在這場比賽中大爆走,但七六人還是慘敗給火箭,這應該是曾得過 50 分英雄榜的球員中,最慘烈的一場比賽了。
3. Willie Burton, 53 points
Sixers vs. Heat, Dec. 13, 1994
Career scoring average: 10.3 ppg
Barros’ barrage should have come as no surprise to Sixers fans. After all, teammate Willie Burton beat him to it just three months before when he torched the Heat for 53 points, and in a 105-90 win no less. The two teammates’ games shared some similarities — both were hot from 3-point range (Burton hit 5 of 8), but while Barros avoided the charity stripe like the plague, Burton scored almost half his points there, hitting 24 of 28 free throws. As a result, Burton needed only 19 shots (making 12) to get to 53.
上述的 Barros 會得分對於七六人的球迷來說應該不怎麼稀奇,但是他的隊友 Willie Burton 卻在三個月前就比他先完成這個紀錄了。那場對上熱火的比賽中,Burton 攻下 53 分,並拿下勝利。Burton 與 Barros 得到 50 分的兩場比賽中有些異同,兩者都在三分線外拿到不少分數,但相反的是,Burton 的得分多半來自於罰球,他靠著罰球拿到了 24 分。
Fun fact: Burton has the fewest amount of career points scored for any 50-point scorer, accumulating just 3,243 points in an eight-year career.
Fun fact, II: Since 1985, the 1994-95 Sixers are one of only two teams to have two different players hit a half-century in a game in the same season. The other team? The 1994-95 Mavericks, who hadJim Jackson and Jamal Mashburn do the deed just two weeks apart. Must have been something in the water.
有趣統計1:這些得分超過 50 分的球員之中,生涯八個球季共得到 3,243 分的 Burton 是生涯得分總數最少的一位。
有趣統計2:1985 年後,94-95 球季的七六人是唯二有兩名球員在同個球季得到 50 分的球隊,另外一隻則是 94-95 年的小牛,小牛雙J Jim Jackson and Jamal Mashburn 在該季曾在兩周內完成這項紀錄。
2. Tony Delk, 53 points
Suns vs. Kings, Jan. 2, 2001
Career scoring average: 9.1 ppg
It’s a little ironic that a guy nicknamed “Buckets” would average only 9.1 ppg over the course of his career, but such is the case with Tony Delk. Delk never averaged more than 12.3 ppg in a single season, but he made his minutes count against the Kings as the new year dawned in 2001. Delk was predominantly a perimeter player, yet on his big night he shot and missed the only 3-pointer he took. Instead, Delk made 20 of 27 shots and 13 of 15 free throws. And though Delk put up his numbers in an overtime game (a 121-117 loss), he scored only three of his points in the extra frame, which — if my math is correct — means he still dropped 50 in regulation.
Tony Delk 的綽號為 Buckets,表示他在空檔的把握度極高,不過生涯平均得分 9.1 分看似不慎亮眼。Delk 生涯最高得分也不過 12.3 分,但在 2001 年對上國王的比賽中狂砍 53 分,當作他的新年禮物。那場比賽,他 27 投進了 20 球,罰球 15 罰 13 中,該場比賽進入 OT 加持,但他在延長賽中也只拿到 3 分,所以就算沒有加賽,他還是可以拿到 50 分的。
Fun fact: In lieu of anything interesting to say about Delk’s performance, I’ll use this opportunity to note that the five players listed here are also composed in the graphic at the top of the page. As if to illustrate the point even further how unlikely their scoring outbursts were, the photo archives didn’t contain a single picture of Burton in a Sixers uniform, nor our list-topper in Wizards gear.
1. Tracy Murray, 50 points
Wizards vs. Warriors, Feb. 10, 1998
Career scoring average: 9.0 ppg
Murray started only 80 of the 659 games he played in his career, which helps explain his paltry career scoring average. Dig into the numbers a little though, and they reveal Murray could put the ball in the basket, scoring 17.7 points per 36 minutes of action and averaging 10 ppg or more four times in his 12-year career. During the 1997-98 season, Murray averaged 15.1 ppg (the second-best average of his career) and scored 20 or more points 24 times. Still, I doubt anyone saw his 50-point explosion against the Warriors coming. Murray had taken 20 shots from the field only once previous that season, but Wizards point guard Rod Strickland knew to feed the hot hand. Murray hit 18 of 29 from the field (including 5 of 10 from 3-point range) and 9 of 10 from the stripe to get his 50.
Murray 在生涯的 659 場比賽之中,僅先發了 80 場,這或許可以解釋他生涯平均得分不甚亮眼的原因。不過看幾個其他數據,若將他上場時間換算為 36 分鐘的情況下,平均得分可以來到 17.7 分,生涯四個平均上場時間超過 20 分鐘的球季,平均得分也都超過了兩位數,可見他是一位不錯的得分好手。在 Murray 攻下50分的該場比賽,他出手 29 球,命中 18 球,包含 10 投 5 中的三分線,以及 10 罰 9 中的罰球。
Fun fact: When I say Strickland was feeding the hot hand, I mean it — he matched his career best with 20 assists on the night.
有趣統計:上面原文有提及該場比賽的控衛 Rod Strickland 知道他手感有多火燙,因為他該場比賽也送出了 20 次的助攻。
以上圖片及影片均來自 NBA 官網。
我也得過不少次 50 分,只不過都是在電動裡罷了....