NBA 2K 近期要推出 online 作戰版本的新遊戲,在此之前,帶大家回味一下之前復刻歐拉天王經典 dream shake 的影片~

2K11的post move動作又有新的進步,終於取消惱人的自動背框模式,改成RT+LT進入背框。在K10可以出現的動作在K11都可以重現,最大的噱頭是可以使用Kobe的pivot spin shot以及Olajuwon的Dream shake,而不只是Rondo的layup packagge。

We’ve also given you the ability to perform Kobe’s reverse pivot, Hakeem’s dream shake, Rondo’s ball fake, and various up and under type moves on demand. When you hold the Shot Modifier (LT for 360 and L2 for PS3), flicking the Shot Stick for a pump fake will initiate the first part of the move - the type of move you get is based on the direction you flick your stick and the context of your movement. This gives you a second to read the defense and see if he bites on your fake. Flick and hold the Shot Stick again and you’ll complete the second part of the move. It’s a fun read and react mini-game which allows for some nice highlight moments.



1.先在底線三分線左右之處作個sizeup right的運球

nba2k11 2011-01-20 20-34-58-56.bmp 


3.鬆開RT加速 按住LT做一個crossover

4.剛進到油漆區做出dream shake 按住LT+RS往移動之反方向快速敲兩下

nba2k11 2011-01-20 20-35-54-85.bmp 

5.在dream shake動作尚未結束之前 LT不鬆開+RS再連敲兩下 做出假動作投籃





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